bible: n.1.【基督、犹】 〔the Bible〕 圣经。2.经典。3.〔b-〕 有权威的典籍;金科玉律。短语和例子The Mohammedan Bible 伊斯兰教的圣经〔即古兰经,= the Koran〕。 The old sea captain regarded his Bowditch as his bible. 老船长把他那本波迪奇航海手册奉为金科玉律。 Douai B
There is a great bible verse that i have read to myself a thousand times the past 50 years in my ministry 有一节很好的经文,过去五十年来我经常读给自己听,是新约的经文:
In the book of nehemiah we are shown the events of the building of the ecclesia in jerusalem and the great bible school they held 尼希米记记述了建立耶路撒冷教会的活动以及在那里举办的伟大的圣经学校。